Our Hearts Burned within Us

If you have never read the Bible, I would begin by reading the Psalms and Proverbs. Take it like a vitamin pill, one of each every day. You will find that your life has more focus and meaning then in the past. In a world where who knows anymore what is right or wrong, reading the Bible will help direct your steps. Psalms and Proverbs are part of the Old Testament. Then read the Book of Luke in the New Testament. It combines the Old and the New Testament speaking of Jesus on the road to Emmaus. It was after his resurrection when he was walking with a couple of his disciples. He was incognito as he shared with them on their walk about the Messiah and how we could know the Messaih. See Luke 24:13-34.

Jesus, after his resurrection, appeared to his disciples many times. Once was on the road to Emmaus when he opend up the scriptures to them. At first they did not recognize him but later their eyes were opened up. They said, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the on the road and opening the scripture to us.” Luke 24-13.

You too could know the living Lord of life and have your heart burning within you. Begin reading Luke 1 and continue reading. Luke was a physician in his day. He begins by saying, “Many have undertaken to write about the things that have taken place among us….I myself have carefully looked into everything from the beginning. So I also decided to write down an orderly report of exactly what happened.” Luke 1;2. You also can know the exciting events that will help you make sense of your life and why you are here. You are unique and gifted to know your Savior, who died and rose from the dead for you. If you want to understand life and its meaning for your life personally begin reading this what some call antiquated book that will fill your lungs with fresh new air.

I began my journey of faith as a college freshman looking at the clouds and asking God if he existed or not. He showed me He was there and heard my prayers but I had to give up my life for His first.

Life with Larry on the Gallatin River

I have quoted this verse in 11 Timothy many times and used it for others. But never did I realize how important it would be in my future while visiting my daughter, son, and his family in Bozeman/Livingston MT. We drove with our trailer behind us to Bozeman where we parked our trailer at Bear Canyon, a local campground, between our daughter and son’s homes.   

It’s just wonderful to connect with our Montana family who warmly greeted us. Our son, Aaron, cooked up a wonderful Middle Eastern dish using meat from his fall hunt while his wife, Lynelle, baked a pie often like lemon meringue. We all gathered around their newly landscaped yard with daughter, Deborah, and grandsons, August, Jasper and Isaak. My heart was full of love for all of them as we laughed and shared stories in person instead of texts and phone calls.

Before we left Chicago for Montana, Larry said, “I want to do something different this year.”  What,” I said. “I want to float down the Gallatin Valley,” Aaron told us it’s June which will mean it’s fast moving and very cold. The day finally came for our river trip. I tried to see if Aaron or one of the boys wanted to take my spot, but Larry wanted me to have the experience with him.

We had to put on a water proof outfit. Mine was so tight I couldn’t pull it over my breasts and the crotch was close to my knees, but it would be just fine I was told.  I looked around to see that most of those floating the river were young people, not a grandma like me.

Finally, we were on our raft with our guide behind us and an Asian man, Dave, with his wife and daughter on the side of us. We paddled along as the guide gave us commands, “Two forward, one backwards.” We were doing well as a team and my fears dissipated as I was engulfed by the beautiful mountains and hills in their spring garb. We drifted along for about an hour when it was time to disembark. As the guide made the abrupt turn, he accidentally flipped over our raft and the next thing I knew, I was in the frigid water under the raft looking up. I thought of an incident at a Christian camp where something similar happened to a raft and there had been a causality. Needless to say, my heart raced as I swam away from the raft. The next thing I knew, David grabbed me along with his wife and held onto the raft so we didn’t float rapidly down the stream. Now fear was pumping through every fiber of my being as I prayed for us. Along the shore was our team who threw out a rope for us to grab and we were finally pulled to shore. I was shivering and shaking like a leaf on a tree in a turbulent storm.  When I finally calmed down, I said, “Where’s my husband, Larry? For a short time, I worried that he may have drowned or hit a rock on the river.  I just didn’t know until sometime later when he joined us on the beach. He was catapulted ahead when the raft flipped. It took the shore team awhile to pull him in since he is 6’2” and over 220 lbs. Finally, we were together and all I wanted to do was to get to our truck where I had a change of clothes. I couldn’t stop shivering with cold and fear still steaming through me. Later, I found out that if we hadn’t been rescued by the team, we could have been greeted by boulders and faster moving water. But until we flipped, it was a beautiful and fun float down the Gallatin and the pleasant memories still fill my memory. Larry recalls the experience as a wonderful adventure. I thanked God who finally calmed my fears by getting both us safely to our truck.  “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.” 2 timothy 1:7.

Viking Trip on the Rhine River, etc. July 2024

On July 21st we flew to Budapest where we were greeted by two young people from Viking. We were driven to the ship where we entered a beautiful world with around 200 people. We had a small room with a comfortable bed and a hot shower. Daniela was the woman who cleaned our room and gave us our tickets for the day and brochures with our daily itinerary. We walked upstairs to a wonderful breakfast surrounded by views on the Rhine river. After breakfast we wandered to the top of the ship where we could get daily walking exercise or just lough in the sun.

Why Viking? Well over the years we have spent a lot of money helping others and Larry said, “It’s time to do something for just us.” We are super seniors now and right now we are still healthy and fit.

A New Year Message 2024

Happy New Year to all my dear friends and family. I have a back issue I”m dealing with that means I must use a cane most of the time to get around until I get it fixed. I have an MRI coming up soon. In the meantime, Larry and I are both using canes to get around and occasionally we have a cane fight. All’s fair in love and war. Here’s my latest post.

I got up after a good night’s sleep and sang my heart out at church. I came home inspired to see what I could do to make someone else’s day better. God gave me many ideas. Then I read the Tribune that addressed the Chicagoland migrant issues. No matter how one may feel about the problems, the people are here and need our help before subzero temperatures plunge us into an artic terrane. There are so many needs out there that most faith-based churches and other organizations are addressing, I hope. Matthew 25:31 on talks about the sheep and the goats and what Jesus says about both. You definitely want to be on team Sheep, not Goats.
We rarely buy new clothes items, the resale shops give more for dollars and it’s a great way to recycle clothes and help more in need. Christmas is over, but kindness should extent throughout the year. So I end with a quote that goes along with our weather report. “Kindness is like snow, it beautifies everything it covers.” K Gibran

Motorcycle Madness

by Sue Schuerr

It was a very hot and humid day in Chicagoland when we hoped on our motorcycle making our way toward Wisconsin. We loved the beautiful scenery, but missed talking to each other having misplaced our communication device. We stopped for a delicious fish fry dinner just over the Illinois border and were surprised to run into a dear friend.

After dinner and visiting with Rosanne, Larry secured my new helmet on me, and got on his bike. I tapped him on the right shoulder and told him my plan. He took off on the gravel road kicking up rocks as he made his way to Rt 12. It was an hour ride back to our home in Chicagoland, so Larry turned on his radio and was deep in thought. When he got home, he stood up which was my cue to get off. “Yikes, Where’s Sue”? he thought. “Did she fall off of the bike?” “Was she abducted by aliens?” But what he didn’t realize was that I had never got on the bike. What I said while touching his back was, “I’ll get on the motorcycle on the other side.” That was my stronger leg.

Seeing him take off, I yelled and laughed, “Larry, I’m not on the bike.” “Honey, I’m not on the bike.” But he never heard me. All my belongings were in the trunk of the bike including my telephone and wallet. Surely, he would return quickly, I thought, as I walked back and forth along Rt. 12 by the gas station. I was quite the spectacle being just under 5 feet with this humungous new black helmet on my head.                          Many stopping for gas, and offered to let me use their phone.  I made 11 calls for Larry from various kind hearted strangers. I couldn’t get the new helmet off and sweat was dripping down my forehead. But finally, a young man was able to help me get it off.  Freedom! I went back to the restaurant and Rosanne was so surprised to see me holding my helmet. “What happened?” she said. When she heard the story and realized I was OK, she roared with laughter. “How could he forget his wife?” she said.  By night fall, I was sitting in his truck and not on the back of his motorcycle. It was another life with Larry day.

Travels in Lisbon Portugal

I am writing from the town of Lisbon. We are staying at a new beautiful hotel called AMMA near the airport . Although we had plans to stay in a room with a family, we decided to stay at Hotel AMMA instead. It was a great decision since the service is excellent and the staff speaks English. Fernando and Ana answered all of our questions and gave us lots of advice for a wonderful time. We started out our day with the most delicious buffet breakfast which was open until 10 am. We have traveled to many cities, but never have we had a breakfast like this one. Today there were many Indian and American choices. We didn’t have a reservation, but fortunately a room was available through Booking.com. The room had a large TV, a King sized bed, a couch and a desk.

We also have had a wonderful hot shower each of the three days. Yesterday we visited St Michael’s Cathedral on the Atlantic ocean. We love all the history connected with Lisbon. It is a safe and friendly country filled with wonderful people and the cuisine here is healthy and delicious. It’s a cosmopolitan city much like Chicago where we live, but without crime. Later, I will write about our time in Sintra at the Casas de Biquinha. It too was a great experience with places that take a person back to the 10th century. To answer questions, I can be found on Face Book Sue Schuerr Chicago or Instagram. My email is [email protected].


Don’t Get Sidetracked

The Fact, Faith Feeling Train

Life is much like a train and we certainly don’t want to have a train wreck for any reason.

I can’t believe the difference I feel from one day to the next. So much depends on getting proper sleep and not falling into the worry abysses. I’ve done research in the past that shows that 85 % of what we worry about never happens. When counseling friends, I share this statistic with them. But when it comes to myself, it’s a different story.

For instance, I have a daughter with colon cancer and I find myself often going down the rabbit hole of worry about her even though her doctors believe she will have a positive outcome. By October, she will be done with her chemotherapy treatment. She lives in Bozeman Montana and I’m in Chicagoland. Every day, I fight worrying about her. I put her in God’s hands again and again.

The fact is she has colon cancer. Faith is praying that God will use all means to bring health to Deborah again and the feelings change from day to day for many reasons.

The weather in Chicagoland has been beautiful and I’m very much an outdoor person. I’m writing this blog today sitting on my deck looking at a plethora of beautiful flowers, a blue sky ahead and occasionally a humming bird flying from flower to flower enjoying a variety of nectar. I have every reason to be content. But I often battle with my feelings-the caboose-wanting to run my life train.

What’s the problem with feelings running my train? Yesterday I had a bundle of energy and happiness. I got so much accomplished including ending my day with a 10-mile bike ride. I felt like the eagle described in Isaiah 40:31. In fact, I didn’t want the day to end since I enjoyed it so much. But I couldn’t relax enough to fall a sleep until around 2:30 AM and then I know the next day will be difficult. I will lack energy and will fight worry and depression.

I want to accomplish so much more with my life than I have. After retiring from teaching, I stepped into many volunteer programs. It’s important to find one that fits the individual. I love playing the piano once a week during Thursday lunch hour at Good Shepherd Hospital. But it’s not enough for me. I would like to play the piano more, teach more and help children.

My adult children and my grandkids are at the time in their lives when they don’t need my help much at all. It’s a sad time for me, but it’s reality, a fact, and I need to find other ways to engage with those who could use my gifts of listening, teaching and music.

So, there you have it—the train of Fact, Faith and Feelings. I try to run my life by the engine of Facts and Faith that God will use me to help others. I’ve learned not to trust the caboose-feelings. They change from day to day and can’t be trusted. Stay well and enjoy the Labor Day Weekend.

The beautiful bay in Hawaii

A New Bike for Larry??

After finishing two cataract surgeries. Larry was now ready to ride a bike with me again. He bought a new bike that was more adaptable for his foot problem. Today we went on his first maiden voyage, but he could not get his feet out of the cleats. Yikes! I could just imagine him crashing again and needing another surgery. He has had 25 surgeries already. We were ready to finally engage in activity again—- And now this? But we are resourceful and came up with this idea. He made his way to a fence in the nearby grave yard and grabbed onto the fence coming to an abrupt halt in his 4 mile journey. I got his feet out of his size 12 bike shoes and he walked home wearing his colorful bike socks. As for his shoes, they were still attached to the clips. Yes, another lifewithlarry.org moment—an adjustment solved the problem. Now how many times has God given us a fence to grab on to while catching us before disaster strikes. “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in time of need. ” Psalm 46:1

Stranded But Not Alone

It was a very hot day close to 90 degrees and after our volunteering obligations were over, I suggested to my husband that we take a motorcycle ride toward Lake Geneva, WI. We have new helmets that I’m learning to take on and off. Our communication devises have not arrived. So, we listened to the radio on the way to WI and ended up finding an outdoor supper club just over the Illinois border. It was a delightful ride and we had a delicious fish fry. On the way out, a friend from our past tapped me on the shoulder. It was a surprise to see Rosanne and her friends at the restaurant. We hugged and visited for a while and she said, “Now I’ll pray for you that you have a safe trip of about 50 minutes home.” Larry helped me adjust my helmet and then he jumped on the motorcycle. I started getting on the left side, but I said, “Honey, I’ll get on the right side instead.” Larry didn’t hear me and thought I was on the back. “Wrong” He took off without me like a strike of lightning. I yelled out and ran frantically towards him shouting, “I’m not on.  Stop! Stop!” but he never heard me with the sound of traffic and the sound of his radio. All my belongings were in the back trunk. I didn’t have a nickel to my name, nor my phone.  I walked a couple of blocks to the nearby gas station just over the border between IL and WI, and waited patiently for him to come back and get me. Surely, he will soon know that I am not on the back of his motorcycle. But after 20 minutes my hope depleted. Here I was on a hot summer evening walking back and forth along the highway with my helmet on. There were many who stopped to help me. They would say, “Would you like to call him.” You can use my phone. There were three wonderful people that offered their phones but Larry did not answer. I tried to take off my helmet since now I was sweating, but I couldn’t get it off. Finally, a young man helped me and yeah, I was now helmet free. I decided to walk the two blocks back to Rosanne at the restaurant. They burst out laughing that I was left behind. She also tried calling Larry. I then went back to my post by the highway hoping he would return. Larry made it all the way home to Fox River Grove, IL before he realized I was not on the back. He contacted Rosanne and came back in his Ford truck to pick me up. It was another lifewithlarry story that we will never forget. I’m really looking forward to the communication devises. And I’m so happy there are people like Heidi and Scott who tried to help me that night.

What’s Happened to Our Mother Tongue????

I grew up with a mother who was a stickler for good grammar. Being raised on the south side of Chicago, i would hear lots of incorrect grammar which I started to blend into my everyday language. Thinks like, “I seen” instead of “I saw” and “She ain’t” instead of “She isn’t”. And swearing wasn’t even in our vocabulary at home. We’d probably get out mouth washed out with soap. “Swearing is a feeble way of expressing oneself forcibly.” But today it’s just part of an ongoing dialogue. What’s happened to all the wonderful and creative expressions we could use instead? Yes, I am my mother’s child and when I hear “F’ this and “F” that, I cringe. I walk into high end stores now and I see it on cups and plates, etc. What’s happened tp our mother tongue? Is our vocabulary so limited?” “For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of” Matthew12:34.

Granted, I might not use the “F” word, but I use others which I’m ‘ trying to weed from my vocabulary. We are judged by the words that come out of our mouth. When my husband, Larry, worked with his dad on the North Shore, his father told him to be sure he doesn’t swear while on the job.” His go to work when he made a mistake in construction was, “Rats” from Peanuts. That continues to be his go to word. So do you want to join me in improving our limited scope of creative language? My mother sure would like me to carry on her torch for better use of the English language. i

Tips on how to live a long and fulfilled life