Our Hearts Burned within Us

If you have never read the Bible, I would begin by reading the Psalms and Proverbs. Take it like a vitamin pill, one of each every day. You will find that your life has more focus and meaning then in the past. In a world where who knows anymore what is right or wrong, reading the Bible will help direct your steps. Psalms and Proverbs are part of the Old Testament. Then read the Book of Luke in the New Testament. It combines the Old and the New Testament speaking of Jesus on the road to Emmaus. It was after his resurrection when he was walking with a couple of his disciples. He was incognito as he shared with them on their walk about the Messiah and how we could know the Messaih. See Luke 24:13-34.

Jesus, after his resurrection, appeared to his disciples many times. Once was on the road to Emmaus when he opend up the scriptures to them. At first they did not recognize him but later their eyes were opened up. They said, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the on the road and opening the scripture to us.” Luke 24-13.

You too could know the living Lord of life and have your heart burning within you. Begin reading Luke 1 and continue reading. Luke was a physician in his day. He begins by saying, “Many have undertaken to write about the things that have taken place among us….I myself have carefully looked into everything from the beginning. So I also decided to write down an orderly report of exactly what happened.” Luke 1;2. You also can know the exciting events that will help you make sense of your life and why you are here. You are unique and gifted to know your Savior, who died and rose from the dead for you. If you want to understand life and its meaning for your life personally begin reading this what some call antiquated book that will fill your lungs with fresh new air.

I began my journey of faith as a college freshman looking at the clouds and asking God if he existed or not. He showed me He was there and heard my prayers but I had to give up my life for His first.