My grandma can stand on her head.
She can make the most delicious bread.
What can your grandma do?
My grandma can barefoot ski.
She loves to bounce me on her knee.
What can your grandma do?
My grandma can juggle three balls.
She plays “Hide and Seek” with me in the halls
What can your grandma do?
My grandma can speak perfect French
She sings Frere Jacques standing on a park bench
What can your grandma do?
My grandma can climb to the top of a mountain.
She runs back down and gets a drink from a fountain
What can your grandma do?
She drives a big red tracker
While sitting next to me and my dog, Hector
What can your grandma do?
She can run in a marathon
And fish with me in our lovely pond
What can your grandma do?
My grandma can kiss me till I turn blue
I think my grandma is really cool

What can your grandma do?
My grandma can swim across the lake
Then make the most terrific cake
What can your grandma do?
She can ride a bike from one city to the next
On her cell phone she could even text
What can your grandma do?
She can knit a sweater in yellow, blue and red.
Then she sings to me before I go to bed.
What can your grandma do?
She makes up stories on the way to school
And teaches me to obey the traffic light rules
What can your grandma do?
She holds me when I scrap my knee
And picks apples from our fruit tree
What can your grandma do?
She gives me hugs and kisses
Even when I make big messes
What can your Grandma do?
She can dance a jig
While mending my favorite stuffed pig.
What can your grandma do?
She shows me pictures of mama as a child
Sometimes I see a tear through her smile—–
My grandma is the best
Now I better get some rest.