I often pinch myself while thanking God for putting us in such a wonderful spot. We are three blocks from the Fox River and right across the street from Barrington Hills. I was like the Proverbs 31 woman in the late 70’s looking for a lot to build our first home. I made it to Algonquin on Route 31 and saw a real estate building. I stopped in and they took me up North River road to a vacant lot that slopped down. It was on a dirt road. The woman selling the lot was in her 90’s and was selling it dirt cheap. When I told my lawyer brother about it, he said, “Is it under water?” So with his help, we bought the lot and after two years put up a wonderful house. Little did we know at that time how strategic it would be to our future jobs and how close it was to enjoying our favorite sport, biking and hiking through Barrington Hills, just across the street. Yesterday, I hopped on my bike and 15 minutes into my ride came across a field of sunflowers. I stopped and pulled my bike over and met a couple who had traveled a distance to see this field they learned about on google. The flowers filled the field as far as the eye could see.

I took pictures of the married couple who had a bouquet they picked for their daughter and they took my picture. I recommended they have coffee at Ambrosia in Barrington Hills. The owner, Debbie, is a friend and they have delicious coffee with whip cream and a free refill plus they have wonderful award winning french pastry.

The moral of the story—–hop on a bike or take a hike and wonderful things will be in store for you. Enjoy the end of summer and take time to smell and be engulfed by flowers. “The heavens declare the glory of God and the the skies declare his handiwork. Day after day they pour forth speech.” Psalm 19:1- Make this your day!